
KUULA | Kas peaksime hakkama Eestis fosforiiti kaevandama?


Saatejuhid võtsid pulkadeks lahti Euroopa kliimarahastuse ning arutasid fosforiidi kaevandamise mõistlikkust.

Viimases „Rohepöörase“ episoodis arutasid saatejuhid viimase nädala olulisemate uudiste üle. Miks tahab Eesti Energia riigilt rohkem raha saada? Millele peaksime mõtlema, kui tahaksime Eesti maapõuest fosforiiti kaevandada? Kas kliimakriisiga võitlemine on tõesti liiga kallis? Saates vastatakse just neile ja paljudele teistele küsimustele.

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Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation (AKÜ) is an independent not-for-profit coalition of non-governmental organisations that work in the field of development cooperation, global citizenship education or sustainable development.

AKÜ is a strategic partner for Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a consultant the state in field of development cooperation, global citizenship education or sustainable development.

AKÜ also provides workshops and consultancy for private sector companies as well as for wider public on sustainable development goals and global issues. 

The highest decision-making body is the General Assmebly.  AKÜ’s legal representative is the Board, which is also responsible for managing the organisation’s staff. 

MTÜ Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud (AKÜ)

Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation

Telliskivi 60a/3, 10412, Tallinn


Agne Kuimet – member of management board, agne@terveilm.ee